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Cruise Search Results:
Viking River March 11, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Returns: Prague
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
03/11 Berlin
03/12 Berlin
03/13 Wittenberg
03/14 Wittenberg
03/14 Torgau
03/15 Meissen
03/16 Dresden
03/17 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
03/17 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
03/17 Bad Schandau
03/18 Decin
03/19 Prague
03/20 Prague
Viking River March 16, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Returns: Prague
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
03/16 Berlin
03/17 Berlin
03/18 Wittenberg
03/19 Wittenberg
03/19 Torgau
03/20 Meissen
03/21 Dresden
03/22 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
03/22 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
03/22 Bad Schandau
03/23 Decin
03/24 Prague
03/25 Prague
Viking River March 21, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Friday, March 21, 2025
Returns: Prague
Sunday, March 30, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
03/21 Berlin
03/22 Berlin
03/23 Wittenberg
03/24 Wittenberg
03/24 Torgau
03/25 Meissen
03/26 Dresden
03/27 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
03/27 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
03/27 Bad Schandau
03/28 Decin
03/29 Prague
03/30 Prague
Viking River March 26, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Returns: Prague
Friday, April 04, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
03/26 Berlin
03/27 Berlin
03/28 Wittenberg
03/29 Wittenberg
03/29 Torgau
03/30 Meissen
03/31 Dresden
04/01 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
04/01 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
04/01 Bad Schandau
04/02 Decin
04/03 Prague
04/04 Prague
Viking River March 31, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Monday, March 31, 2025
Returns: Prague
Wednesday, April 09, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
03/31 Berlin
04/01 Berlin
04/02 Wittenberg
04/03 Wittenberg
04/03 Torgau
04/04 Meissen
04/05 Dresden
04/06 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
04/06 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
04/06 Bad Schandau
04/07 Decin
04/08 Prague
04/09 Prague
Viking River April 05, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Saturday, April 05, 2025
Returns: Prague
Monday, April 14, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
04/05 Berlin
04/06 Berlin
04/07 Wittenberg
04/08 Wittenberg
04/08 Torgau
04/09 Meissen
04/10 Dresden
04/11 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
04/11 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
04/11 Bad Schandau
04/12 Decin
04/13 Prague
04/14 Prague
Viking River April 10, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Thursday, April 10, 2025
Returns: Prague
Saturday, April 19, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
04/10 Berlin
04/11 Berlin
04/12 Wittenberg
04/13 Wittenberg
04/13 Torgau
04/14 Meissen
04/15 Dresden
04/16 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
04/16 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
04/16 Bad Schandau
04/17 Decin
04/18 Prague
04/19 Prague
Viking River April 15, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Returns: Prague
Thursday, April 24, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on Easter! Cruise on Easter! (terms)
View Itinerary
04/15 Berlin
04/16 Berlin
04/17 Wittenberg
04/18 Wittenberg
04/18 Torgau
04/19 Meissen
04/20 Dresden
04/21 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
04/21 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
04/21 Bad Schandau
04/22 Decin
04/23 Prague
04/24 Prague
Viking River April 20, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Sunday, April 20, 2025
Returns: Prague
Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on Easter! Cruise on Easter! (terms)
View Itinerary
04/20 Berlin
04/21 Berlin
04/22 Wittenberg
04/23 Wittenberg
04/23 Torgau
04/24 Meissen
04/25 Dresden
04/26 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
04/26 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
04/26 Bad Schandau
04/27 Decin
04/28 Prague
04/29 Prague
Viking River May 10, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Returns: Prague
Monday, May 19, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
05/10 Berlin
05/11 Berlin
05/12 Wittenberg
05/13 Wittenberg
05/13 Torgau
05/14 Meissen
05/15 Dresden
05/16 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
05/16 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
05/16 Bad Schandau
05/17 Decin
05/18 Prague
05/19 Prague
Viking River May 15, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Returns: Prague
Saturday, May 24, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
05/15 Berlin
05/16 Berlin
05/17 Wittenberg
05/18 Wittenberg
05/18 Torgau
05/19 Meissen
05/20 Dresden
05/21 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
05/21 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
05/21 Bad Schandau
05/22 Decin
05/23 Prague
05/24 Prague
Viking River May 20, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Returns: Prague
Thursday, May 29, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on Memorial Day! Cruise on Memorial Day! (terms)
View Itinerary
05/20 Berlin
05/21 Berlin
05/22 Wittenberg
05/23 Wittenberg
05/23 Torgau
05/24 Meissen
05/25 Dresden
05/26 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
05/26 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
05/26 Bad Schandau
05/27 Decin
05/28 Prague
05/29 Prague
Viking River May 25, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Sunday, May 25, 2025
Returns: Prague
Tuesday, June 03, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on Memorial Day! Cruise on Memorial Day! (terms)
View Itinerary
05/25 Berlin
05/26 Berlin
05/27 Wittenberg
05/28 Wittenberg
05/28 Torgau
05/29 Meissen
05/30 Dresden
05/31 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
05/31 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
05/31 Bad Schandau
06/01 Decin
06/02 Prague
06/03 Prague
Viking River May 30, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Friday, May 30, 2025
Returns: Prague
Sunday, June 08, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
05/30 Berlin
05/31 Berlin
06/01 Wittenberg
06/02 Wittenberg
06/02 Torgau
06/03 Meissen
06/04 Dresden
06/05 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
06/05 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
06/05 Bad Schandau
06/06 Decin
06/07 Prague
06/08 Prague
Viking River June 04, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Wednesday, June 04, 2025
Returns: Prague
Friday, June 13, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
06/04 Berlin
06/05 Berlin
06/06 Wittenberg
06/07 Wittenberg
06/07 Torgau
06/08 Meissen
06/09 Dresden
06/10 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
06/10 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
06/10 Bad Schandau
06/11 Decin
06/12 Prague
06/13 Prague
Viking River June 09, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Monday, June 09, 2025
Returns: Prague
Wednesday, June 18, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
06/09 Berlin
06/10 Berlin
06/11 Wittenberg
06/12 Wittenberg
06/12 Torgau
06/13 Meissen
06/14 Dresden
06/15 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
06/15 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
06/15 Bad Schandau
06/16 Decin
06/17 Prague
06/18 Prague
Viking River June 14, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Saturday, June 14, 2025
Returns: Prague
Monday, June 23, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on Juneteenth! Cruise on Juneteenth! (terms)
View Itinerary
06/14 Berlin
06/15 Berlin
06/16 Wittenberg
06/17 Wittenberg
06/17 Torgau
06/18 Meissen
06/19 Dresden
06/20 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
06/20 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
06/20 Bad Schandau
06/21 Decin
06/22 Prague
06/23 Prague
Viking River June 19, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Thursday, June 19, 2025
Returns: Prague
Saturday, June 28, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on Juneteenth! Cruise on Juneteenth! (terms)
View Itinerary
06/19 Berlin
06/20 Berlin
06/21 Wittenberg
06/22 Wittenberg
06/22 Torgau
06/23 Meissen
06/24 Dresden
06/25 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
06/25 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
06/25 Bad Schandau
06/26 Decin
06/27 Prague
06/28 Prague
Viking River June 24, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Returns: Prague
Thursday, July 03, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
06/24 Berlin
06/25 Berlin
06/26 Wittenberg
06/27 Wittenberg
06/27 Torgau
06/28 Meissen
06/29 Dresden
06/30 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
06/30 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
06/30 Bad Schandau
07/01 Decin
07/02 Prague
07/03 Prague
Viking River June 29, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Sunday, June 29, 2025
Returns: Prague
Tuesday, July 08, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on the 4th of July! Cruise on the 4th of July! (terms)
View Itinerary
06/29 Berlin
06/30 Berlin
07/01 Wittenberg
07/02 Wittenberg
07/02 Torgau
07/03 Meissen
07/04 Dresden
07/05 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
07/05 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
07/05 Bad Schandau
07/06 Decin
07/07 Prague
07/08 Prague
Viking River July 04, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Friday, July 04, 2025
Returns: Prague
Sunday, July 13, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
Cruise on the 4th of July! Cruise on the 4th of July! (terms)
View Itinerary
07/04 Berlin
07/05 Berlin
07/06 Wittenberg
07/07 Wittenberg
07/07 Torgau
07/08 Meissen
07/09 Dresden
07/10 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
07/10 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
07/10 Bad Schandau
07/11 Decin
07/12 Prague
07/13 Prague
Viking River July 09, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Wednesday, July 09, 2025
Returns: Prague
Friday, July 18, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
07/09 Berlin
07/10 Berlin
07/11 Wittenberg
07/12 Wittenberg
07/12 Torgau
07/13 Meissen
07/14 Dresden
07/15 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
07/15 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
07/15 Bad Schandau
07/16 Decin
07/17 Prague
07/18 Prague
Viking River September 22, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Monday, September 22, 2025
Returns: Prague
Wednesday, October 01, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
09/22 Berlin
09/23 Berlin
09/24 Wittenberg
09/25 Wittenberg
09/25 Torgau
09/26 Meissen
09/27 Dresden
09/28 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
09/28 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
09/28 Bad Schandau
09/29 Decin
09/30 Prague
10/01 Prague
Viking River September 27, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Astrild
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Astrild
Departs: Berlin
Saturday, September 27, 2025
Returns: Prague
Monday, October 06, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
09/27 Berlin
09/28 Berlin
09/29 Wittenberg
09/30 Wittenberg
09/30 Torgau
10/01 Meissen
10/02 Dresden
10/03 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
10/03 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
10/03 Bad Schandau
10/04 Decin
10/05 Prague
10/06 Prague
Viking River October 02, 2025 - 9 Nights | - Europe
Viking River
Viking River, Viking Beyla
Cruise Line: Viking River
Ship: Viking Beyla
Departs: Berlin
Thursday, October 02, 2025
Returns: Prague
Saturday, October 11, 2025
Inside Outside Balcony Suite
View Itinerary
10/02 Berlin
10/03 Berlin
10/04 Wittenberg
10/05 Wittenberg
10/05 Torgau
10/06 Meissen
10/07 Dresden
10/08 Scenic Sailing: Saxon Switzerland
10/08 Scenic Sailing: Elbe River
10/08 Bad Schandau
10/09 Decin
10/10 Prague
10/11 Prague
Search Results 1 - 25 of 127
Search Results 1 - 25 of 127